The series of Buffy the vampire slayer deconstructs the notions of good and evil by the
way its characters interact with each other and complexity of its characters.
Buffy is the brave woman of the series who is always in the good side, while
Angel belongs to the group of antagonists who are always Buffy’s enemy. However
they get a close relationship together. Braum(2000) mentions that Buffy and
Angel’s relationship obviously show the pressure between protagonist and
antagonism, love and aggression. Each of its characters has a multifaceted personality,
meaning one person is neither fully good nor evil. This is the reason why we
could say Buffy
the vampire slayer
series is different from others.
Braun (2000) refers to Klein’s
theory which states that this mentality that we have is developed from infancy
and that we are conditioned to expect and deal with both “good” and “bad” from
our close and loved ones throughout our lives.The Buffy the vampire slayer series contains a very multifaceted relationship between its characters
that is incomparable to the traditional good versus evil genre.The complexity of the
characters in Buffy
the vampire slayer
and their relationships demonstrate that each of them is capable of both good
deeds and bad which appropriately reflects the complexity of human nature.
FurthermoreBraun (2000)
says,Buffy’s full recognition of both the demonic and Angelic aspects of Angel
demonstrates a moment of reconciliation of the Kleinian ‘good’ and ‘bad’ into
one body. Also, Braun states that main characters have moral ambiguity and they
are portrayed as making morally wrong choice which shifts the nature of good
and evil.For that result, this complex relationship between Buffy and Angel
shows as Braun (2000) mentions “Tangle of psychological and sexual roles and
moral positioning does not lead to easy analysis, but it does reflect the
complexity of real human personalities and relationships.” I think these moral
ambiguity relationships have attracted people to Buffy
the vampire slayer. Actually, all of us have both good and evil aspects so they
could feel sympathy with this work.
Braun, B. (2000) The X-files and
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The ambiguity of evil in supernatural
representationsRetrieved October 6, 2014 from
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Buffy Studies.
Retrieved October 6, 2014, from
Good. Thanks Sodam. I agree that the moral ambiguity of the characters is one of the main drivers for the fans. You have engaged with the secondary texts well. Good.